What we do

The Centre for Healthy Empowered Communities acts as a hub for the health and social care sectors. Via collaborative research and development projects we provide an evidence base and solutions to support wellbeing, prevent ill-health and help address health inequalities.

Our Vision

To empower individuals and communities to maximise their own health and wellbeing while addressing the wider public health agenda of reducing health inequalities through system and service delivery change, through multi-agency partnerships and research collaborations.

Why we do it

There is growing awareness that community wellbeing is something for which the NHS does not have sole responsibility. Consequently, research and development funding is increasingly seeking evidence of partnership and collaboration between statutory services, the third sector, the private sector and academia.


What makes us special?

Our Values

We exist to benefit patients and communities across Kent and Medway

We establish and lead multi-agency partnerships that undertake research to improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities

We further the development of understanding, knowledge and practical expertise of the health and social care sector, leading to system change and service improvements.

We have an excellent track record in partnership development (finding appropriate partners from a range of sectors to collaborate on health and social care projects, building the project consortium), bid development, bid writing, budget planning, project facilitation and management, reporting and project closure.

Alice Chapman-Hatchett


Through this in-depth work, we have developed a unique and profound understanding of how health and social care systems operate in the UK and how innovation can be practically transferred and implemented between regions.

Our experience and expertise can benefit organisations across the country.

The Centre for Healthy Empowered Communities