SHIFT is a European-funded project which aims to improve the sexual health and wellbeing of people over 45, particularly those who are vulnerable to poor sexual health outcomes.


SHIFT had a €3.6 million total budget. The partnership consisted of 10 organisations across Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

The outputs


A Sexual Health & Wellbeing Model to engage with people over 45 SHIFT partners developed and piloted a Model to raise awareness and reduce stigma when it comes to discussing sexual health, and to increase and facilitate access to services, online and in person. The Model is freely accessible online, to help other organisations engage with those they have so far been unable to reach.


A Strategy to engage with those who find access to sexual health services harder Engaging with groups who traditionally access sexual health services less – such as the homeless, migrant communities, and people living in isolation or poverty – SHIFT partners developed a Strategy to ensure the Model can reach all those who might benefit from sexual health and wellbeing services.


Two Sexual Health & Wellbeing training programmes: one to engage with people over 45, and one to develop healthcare professionals’ knowledge and skills This training was created to support the successful delivery of the first two Outputs, ensuring all those involved in sexual health and wellbeing are able to engage with new and existing service users without stigma, and to adequately support and direct them, using existing and new training and resources.

The Centre for Healthy Empowered Communities