ENSURE (vulnerable people: everybody counts)

About Ensure

Via community peer-to-peer supporters, ENSURE supported societies to become proactive in addressing circumstances which create vulnerability. ENSURE involved every relevant party in the creation of an approach resulting in the empowerment of people who have become vulnerable due to their contextual circumstances.

ENSURE was granted more than 2.5 million euros of European Union funding. The project ran from February 2020 to March 2023 and included 9 partners from the UK, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Peer Support

Project Outputs

ENSURE has produced a model, which acts as a step by step guide to implementing peer support for any target group that has become vulnerable for whatever reason. The model includes training for peer supporters and an action plan for professionals to implement peer support work. The project has also produced social marketing training videos and animations of personas from the target groups, that shows their journey through the project. All of these outputs are freely accesible on this webpage for anyone who wishes to use and share them.

The Centre for Healthy Empowered Communities